Alumni Community

​VSM Alumni students are the major strength of the organization. The first batch of VSM students graduated in the Year 2011/2012. In the last 10 years, more than 500 students have passed out and successfully pursued in their professional career.  In view of the culture inculcated in our students, VSM Alumni students have taken responsibilities in:

  1. ​Supporting the IT infrastructure of the VSM software system. The alumni students maintain, upgrade, and add new functionalities in the software to meet the growing demands
  2. ​Act as mentors to students of their field of expertise. Conduct guest lectures to share with students on new trends and technologies
  3. ​Taking leadership role in the various Academic streams
  4. ​Collaborate with the Career Guidance team in conducting workshops
  5. ​Participating as Anchors in Seminars and Workshops
  6. ​Working as Volunteers or Karyakarta Palak to the students

​A felicitation event is conducted each year at each of the 6 centers of VSM. During the event, students share their journey with VSM and their aspiration for helping the organization

​Some VSM Alumni students after having settled in their career have become active donors

Annual Ahawal

Annual Ahwal 2023-24

Annual Ahwal 2022-23

Annual Ahwal 2021-22

Annual Ahwal 2020-21

COVID Response
VSM Locked but not Down…

​The pandemic posed unprecedented challenges in front of education sector. While the world had been battling with uncertainties, VSM anchored all the students and volunteers with certainty of the purpose, re-connected with companions who are passionate and inspired us to march the way ahead. Our approach of acceptance and resilience has helped us in this time!

Digital Connect

​True to the saying “Necessity is the mother of invention”, VSM’s Core team along with its IT support started working feverishly and within couple of days came out with solutions. With the help of digital technology, VSM started to have meetings of various teams through “Google meets” and then gradually it became way of life for all of us. VSM has adopted a digital platform to handle all its activities and all monthly meetings of students and mentors/volunteers across centres.

Financial interventions

​As stories of problems faced by the poor and marginal due to the lock down started surfacing, the first thing VSM felt was to understand the ground level issues facing our students and their families – Grocery, Vegetables, Health, Medicine, psychological needs and internet access. This was done through a Survey through Google form and telephone calls by mentors to their mentees and their families. Most of the students’ parents are daily wage earners and the lockdown resulted in completely stoppage of their source of income, based on students’ feedback VSM decided to extend immediate financial help of a fixed amount to all its students through bank transfers.

COVID-19 awareness drive

Team lead of our Medico and Para-Medico group of students, prepared a video for circulation within VSM community. The Video clearly demonstrated all facts about Corona Virus scientifically in simple words and visuals, the precautions to be taken, importance of hygiene and social distancing and the unfounded myths about the virus. This was circulated to all beneficiaries and their extended families, friends and neighbourhood.

VSM Students’ Contributions

​Most importantly VSM’s Alumni and existing students of Doctors and Nurses joined the battle against Corona in their respective institutions as front-line warriors and did not shy away from their responsibilities. While most of them fearlessly served in Covid wards with proper PPE protection (in many instances ignoring family’s apprehensions), some others worked at the Airports and later on collaborated with WHO/Municipal Corporations at their 24X7 help desks. Moreover, our social work team students played a role in distribution of ration, arranging travel passes etc.

Counselling and Engagement

​VSM has also arranged online counselling session from a well-known Psychologist for students facing anxiety, stress, conflicts and fear due to the extreme uncertainties arising due to the pandemic.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of organization is VSM?

VSM is a NGO (a registered Charitable Trust) which works in the field of education for social welfare by providing financial support and guidance to the deserving but less-privileged students.


Which students does VSM support?

VSM supports the education of needy, economically less-privileged deserving students.
Primarily, help is provided after completion of school when the child is keen in pursuing higher education.

What makes VSM Special and effective?

VSM’s support doesn’t stop until the students complete their education and stand on their feet and actually become an independent and responsible citizen. This is achieved by following VSM’s unique and innovative “Student-Mentor” model.

How does VSM ensure the success of students enrolled?

VSM follows a unique “Student-Mentor” Model, which comes from the VSM’s philosophy of “Quality of support over Quantity of support”. Every VSM child is taken care of by a “Mentor” who acts as a friend, philosopher & guide to the student throughout his journey in VSM & beyond, rather than just giving monetary support.

How can I contribute to VSM?

You can contribute as a:

  • Donor: Extend monetary support
  • Volunteer: Contribute in various projects/activities of VSM
  • Mentor: Become a guardian of one or more students, can also contribute to the various activities of VSM.
  • Pro Bono Helpers: Time bound project based contribution of specific skills and expertise, where anyone can help in one of VSM’s initiatives even if they have just one day. (e.g.- If you are a photographer and want to help just for one day, then you can come for one of our events and help us by taking the pictures of that event)

Does VSM give only monetary help?

No, VSM believes in a very qualitative approach and therefore in the overall development of the student, which cannot be achieved just by sponsoring fees. Hence, in addition to financial support, it also conducts various in-house workshops on soft skill developments, career counseling, residential camps and sponsors students to attend various motivational programs & social camps.

How are the students selected?

The admission committee of VSM screens the applications thoroughly, conducts interviews along with respective subject experts & recommend students to be admitted in VSM.

Which areas or geographies does VSM operate in?

VSM enrolls students from all over Maharashtra and operates through its six branches located at Thane, Shahapur, Borivali, Pune, Nagpur and Aurangabad.

Who can join VSM as a volunteer/mentor/Pro Bono & how?

Any person who has a deep desire to express his/her gratitude towards society without expecting any remuneration are welcome to join VSM as Volunteer/Mentor/Pro Bono. Fill the form in ‘Contact Us’ section or send us a mail at

If I become a Mentor, how often do I need to personally meet the student?

Once or twice initially and later as per mutual convenience. Afterwards regular calls (minimum once per week) should be made to keep in touch with the student.

What is the major responsibility of the Mentor?

Responsibility of a Mentor includes regular communication with the student, keeping track of his academic & extra-curricular activities & encouraging him to participate in VSM events. Mentors are supposed to act as a guardian of the students who are there for them whenever they need them.

What are the sources of funding at VSM?

VSM functions on funds received from individual donors, corporates (CSR) and through online donation drives.

Do the donors get Income Tax exemption?

Yes. Donations to VSM are exempt under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act.

How do we use the sponsorship amount and what is the parents’ contribution?

VSM scholarship basically includes the costs of education viz. college fees, books, uniform, tuition fee, travel, hostel, mess charges etc. The contribution from parents is decided by considering the economic background of the family.

Do I need to financially contribute if I join as any of the above?

No, all student expenses are taken care of by VSM. If anyone want to donate, it is purely voluntary.