Vidyadaan Sahayyak Mandal, Thane (VSMThane) was founded in 2008 by a small group of like-minded people who wanted to help the needy and deserving students who were unable to continue their education due to a weak financial position. VSM quickly realized that in order to truly nurture these lives, they would need to give emotional as well as 360-degree support rather than just sponsoring academic fees.
“Quality of help was chosen over quantity, as the MANTRA by VSM founder members.”

Empowered Students, Empowered Nation.
- Enable needy and deserving students to pursue the education of their choice and help them realize their potential
- Inculcate values such as self-sufficiency and sensitivity towards society in students to help them become responsible citizens.
- Encourage active participation from all sections of society to contribute to a better world.

VSM coined the term “KARYAKARTA PALAK (KP)” literally meaning “VOLUNTEER PARENT” or in short a “MENTOR”. VSM innovated and developed a unique “Mentor-Student” model in order to support every student enrolled, with around the clock guidance, to become financially independent, responsible citizens. With the help of this Model, each and every student is taken care of by a mentor, who keeps in touch and communicates with the students on regular basis. This helps in getting timely updates of the students, be it the grades in exam, participation in extra-curricular activities, attending VSM events, getting to know any academic or personal difficulties faced by the students and addressing same with timely interventions. This regular communication helps create a very strong bond wherein the mentors become an extended family member and guardian of their ward. This unique VSM model with personal, focussed approach ensures an all -round development of each and every student.
VSM grooms the students academically and holistically, by conducting various programs throughout the year which includes specific career guidance, soft skill development, goal setting, communication skills, social camps sponsoring, Be Frank, mock interviews etc. All this is done with the ultimate aim to see the student develop into an independent, self-reliant, socially sensitive and responsible member of the society.
VSM operates primarily from the funding received from its donors and is very proud of the fact that majority of donations are from individual donors who have been with VSM since its inception. The trust and support extended by donors and well-wishers are the major assets along with the force of dedicated and untiring volunteers.
At VSM, we maintain complete financial transparency and strive our best to utilise donations to support students’ educational activities helping them to realise their dreamsof completing education and becoming self-sufficient.
Less than 5% of donated funds being spent on administration/operations
Education Expenses – 95%
Admin Expenses – 5%

A prominent figure in Thane, Bhau Nanivadekar, embraced the legacy of social service passed down by his father. He chose to retire voluntarily from his role as a Mechanical Engineer at the age of 60, marking the beginning of a new chapter in his lifelong commitment to social betterment.
Accompanied by his companions, Bhau visited the transformative initiatives of Baba Amte, including ‘Anandvan’ and ‘Hemalkasa’. The impact of these endeavours left an indelible impression on Bhau, inspiring a fervent desire to contribute meaningfully to society. In 2003, this aspiration culminated in the establishment of Anandvanasnehi Mandal. Bhau and his colleagues dedicated their efforts to the education of underprivileged and deserving children, laying the foundation for what would become Vidyadan Sahayyak Mandal (VSM) on August 15, 2008, in Shahapur.
Bhau’s visionary spirit introduced the pioneering concept of ‘Karyakarta Palak’ (Volunteer Parent), emphasizing holistic student development within VSM. Under his stewardship, the values of excellence, transparency, and an unwavering commitment to continuous improvement were deeply embedded in VSM’s culture.
Recognizing his remarkable contributions, the Thane Municipal Corporation (TMC) bestowed upon Bhau the esteemed ‘Thane Gaurav’ award.
Even with his sad passing away on June 12, 2023, Bhau Nanivadekar’s legacy continues to inspire and guide VSM. While his physical presence may have departed, his spirit lives on in the very essence of VSM’s mission and we will strive to fulfil the vision he so passionately championed.
2023VSM achieved 650+ students enrollment milestone with 425+ volunteers
Crossed ~1,400 VSM students' mark (including current and alumni students) -
2022VSM achieved 475+ students enrollment milestone with 325+ volunteers
Crossed ~1,000 VSM students' mark (including current and alumni students)
Reached highest # of CSR partners (25+) -
20218 governance policies were rolled out for robust VSM operations
2020Beginning of Aurangabad branch
VSM achieved~350 students enrollment milestone with 300+ volunteers.
Digital empowerment initiative to help students with smartphones, laptops in wake of COVID 19 -
2019"Utsavatun Samajakade" campaign launched
1st VSM Sports Day was organised -
2018Career Teams were formed to help students with appropriate skills, knowledge from their streams Corpus fund donation account started
Conceptualised goal setting "ALPS framework -
2017Beginning of Nagpur branch
1st Guidestar certification
iVSM – a fully internally developed MIS platform – launched -
2016Students enrolment reached 225 with 170 volunteers
VSM Connect – our quarterly newsletter – started -
2015Beginning of Pune branch
Rolled out laptop distribution policy for students, benefitting 10 students with laptops
Spoken English Program started -
2014Organized first study tour at Dapoli for volunteers
VSM Helpdesk started -
2013Beginning of Borivali branch
"Be Frank" initiative started with a core belief - it is when we start expressing ourselves, we start exploring our inner selves! -
2012VSM achieved - 100 students enrollment milestone with 60+ volunteers.
VSM work was acknowledged in media (Loksatta-Chaturang) -
2011VSM new office at Khopat Thane started
2010Unique concept of Karyakarta Palak was coined to support students holistically
2009Beginning of Thane branch
2008Humble beginning of Shahapur branch with 23 students and 8 volunteers